
PhD thesis

Title: Contribución a la caracterización dinámica de materiales resilientes para aplicaciones ferroviarias.
Author: Reina Guzmán, Salvatore.
Director/s: Arcos, R. and Clot, A.
Year: 2021
Title: Application of dynamic vibration absorbers on double-deck circular railway tunnels to mitigate railway-induced ground-borne vibration.
Author: Noori, B.
Director/s: Arcos, R. and Clot, A.
Year: 2019
Title: An efficient methodology based on two-and-a-half-dimensional FE and BE methods for ground-borne vibration radiated by underground railway tunnels and the re-radiated noise emitted inside them.
Author: Ghangale, D.
Director/s: Romeu, J. and Arcos, R.
Year: 2019
Title: Approach to acoustic mapping through continuous mobile monitoring.
Author: Quintero, G.
Director/s: Romeu, J. and Balastegui, A.
Year: 2019
Title: A dynamical model of a double-deck circular tunnel embedded in a full-space.
Author: Clot, A.
Director/s: Romeu, J. and Arcos, R.
Year: 2014
Title: Detection of mechanisms of tool steels by means of acoustic emission technique.
Author: Mártinez, E.
Director/s: Romeu, J.
Year: 2014
Title: Passive acoustic method for aircraft localization.
Author: Martín, S.
Director/s: Romeu, J. and Genescà, M.
Year: 2013
Title: A model for railway induced ground vibrations in the frame of preliminary assessment studies.
Author: Arcos, R.
Director/s: Romeu, J.
Year: 2011
Title: Active control of sound transmission through an aperture.
Author: Pàmies, T.
Director/s: Romeu, J.
Year: 2011
Title: Desarrollo y validación de una metodología de predicción de los campos acústicos resultantes de la aplicación de sistemas de control activo de ruido.
Author: Palacios, J.
Director/s: Romeu, J.
Year: 2009
Title: Modelización de la emisión y percepción del ruido urbano: Aplicación en la comuna de Ñuñoa-Santiago de Chile.
Author: Saavedra, M.
Director/s: Romeu, J.
Year: 2009
Title: Systematic approach for active control of acoustic radiation modes.
Author: Alarcon, G.
Director/s: Romeu, J.
Year: 2008
Title: Sound source detection and noise measurement methods for aircraft noise monitoring in presence of background noise.
Author: Genescà, M.
Director/s: Romeu, J.
Year: 2008
Title: Atenuación de ruido industrial de baja frecuencia mediante la técnica de control activo de ruido.
Author: Romeu, J.
Director/s: Capdevila, R.
Year: 1999