To become a LEAM researcher

LEAM offers research positions at different levels.

  • Research scholarships to under-graduate students. LEAM offers scholarships to under-graduate students that are interested to being introduced to research in noise and vibration. Contact us if you are an under-graduate student motivated to work with us in a part-time research trainee contract.
  • In the context of the Master's degree in Research in Mechanical Engineering. The Master's degree in Research in Mechanical Engineering of the UPC is the only national master degree devoted to introduce student to the world of mechanical engineering R+D+i. The master is based on subjects but also in projects to be developed in the framework of the research groups involved in the degree. In this context, LEAM offers scholarships to the students that decide to develop the master's projects in the framework of LEAM to extend the dimension of the project further than nominal master's requirements but also to receive an income that they could use to partially fund master costs. Contact us for more details.
  • Research assistant grants for graduate students that have either completed or about the complete a master degree. This grant serve as a one-year bridge to start a PhD within LEAM supervision in the Mechanical Engineering, Aeronautics and Fluids of the UPC. Interested candidates should apply using this form, where detailed description, conditions and benefits of the offer are presented.This application procedure is permanently open, but be aware that selection procedures will be carried out just in January and July, considering all candidatures received until that moment.
  • PhD scholarships from foreign countries. We also support foreign students to apply to PhD scholarships funded by their original countries. Contact us in case of interest.
  • Short stays. Funded PhD and Post-doctoral stays are also welcome. Contact us in case of interest.
  • Post-doctoral positions. In the case that you are interested on a post-doctoral position in noise and vibration at LEAM, contact us. We can support you on applications to European and national post-doctoral grants.

Along all these research sholarships and positions, LEAM offers students and researcher the possibility of working in any of the research areas on noise and vibration that are active at the moment, depending on the profile of the student/researcher and particular technology transfer needs of companies and administrations for which LEAM is acting as a consultancy agent.